Weekend Survival Kits

The Importance of the Stimulus

The stimulus is an effective way to jump start the economy, and for many Americans it is more than that…it is a Godsend.  If you are among those who have managed to navigate the pandemic relatively unscathed as you contemplate the minor windfall that represents the next check…here is a different thought:

Instead of purchasing something that you do not really need, or throwing it into your vacation fund, consider the fiercely negative impact the pandemic has delivered to those less fortunate than you.  Even a share of your stimulus money could go a long way towards supporting the work of Weekend Survival Kits… now and in the future.

Food insecurity is a very real problem for many families.  Their decisions regarding the stimulus check are more about meeting basic needs like housing costs and utilities.  Stocking the pantry or fridge is usually a decision for what little is left.  Food support programs like Weekend Survival Kits can make an enormous impact on the life of a student, and that does not change because of the pandemic…kids can’t learn if they are hungry.

During the pandemic we have continued to pack and deliver food kits to over 2500 students.  To be honest, this number is lower than pre-pandemic times and we have struggled with how to reach the students who may have fallen through the cracks. As you may know, in the past the key to distribution of the kits is to make them available through the schools. Since much of the year has been remote schooling at home, it is our belief that the students and their families are able to get some food supports through local food pantries.  Other families with transportation challenges simply are not able to get to the school distribution points.

As the vaccinations begin to take effect, we at Weekend Survival Kits are anticipating that the number of students/families needing food supports over the weekends during the next school year will be even greater than in the years past. And we want to be ready! This is where you come in! Please consider donating all or a part of your stimulus check to Weekend Survival Kits. It is easy and tax deductible. Simply go to:  www.weekendsurvivalkits.org/donate

A year from now, for you, the negative effects from the pandemic may be a distant memory. For the families we serve, the struggle will continue. In a time when the chasm between the “haves” and the “have-nots” may be growing even wider doesn’t it make sense to help? Because you can!  If you choose to share some of your stimulus funds, please let us know on the donate form or on your check.  We’d love to keep track of the generosity of those sharing the stimulus.